Innovative Remote Service for Your Intralogistics System

The GEBHARDT Visual Support Software revolutionises the recording and rectification of faults in your material flow system. A communication process supported by the latest technology between the GEBHARDT Visual Support team and your maintenance ensures faster and more efficient help in the event of faults on the system.

The GEBHARDT Visual Support Software enables direct communication between you and a GEBHARDT employee via video. You can either use the GEBHARDT SmartGlass, your mobile phone or a tablet.

The service product GEBHARDT SmartGlass is a pair of data glasses with access to an augmented reality platform. With the help of the camera built into the end device, GEBHARDT experts get a live view of the potential source of the fault, which increases the quality of the fault analysis and enables direct troubleshooting together with your maintenance staff. The guided troubleshooting process is also significantly supported by the augmented reality function, with the help of which your maintenance staff are also provided with relevant information such as maintenance documents, training documents, technical information and live overlays of technical data directly in the field of view as required. This means that all information is always available to you, wherever you are.

Technical Features
  • Reduced downtime
  • Faster ROI
  • Efficient help for your personnel on site.
  • Remote training
  • Integration into the existing ERP system
  • Integration into the existing CRM system
  • Immediate availability of all customer information
  • Increased support quality on our hotline

GEBHARDT SmartGlass Usage Options

Smart Remote Service

Show GEBHARDT experts the potential source of a fault via tablet, smartphone or data glasses. This service complements the traditional hotline call. Solutions to problems can also be documented for third-level support and made available to you for future reference using screenshots and video recordings.

The benefit for you? No more long waiting times for our service technicians to arrive. No need to pay for an on-site service deployment that could have been avoided. Solving your mechanical or software problems is also directly supported by our hotline experts.

Exchange of Relevant Information

Our expert has access to the call and machine history, and can provide you with all of the necessary information via SmartGlass, such as technical drawings and circuit diagrams. Using augmented reality, this information is overlaid with a pointer function and gives your maintenance personnel detailed instructions on rectifying the problem. In the event that it is not possible to rectify a problem with our SmartGlass product, we can always deploy a service technician to your site as promptly as possible.

Support and Training

In addition to the main function of the GEBHARDT SmartGlass product, this innovative service product has additional benefits for your system maintenance. Even without direct video conferencing to our experts, we can provide you with support functions via SmartGlass. Standard testing or maintenance work which falls in the area of responsibility of the system operator is shown in a video and can be called up and viewed via the glasses at any time. This guarantees that your maintenance personnel can work efficiently and that your system will always be in good condition. In this way, not only do we optimise service with the GEBHARDT SmartGlass product in the event of a fault, but we also support the work of your personnel on the system.

Downloads for More Information

Brochure GEBHARDT SmartGlass
