Steel Trays
Steel trays have many different applications as load carriers, particularly in mechanical engineering, the furniture industry and the electrical industry. While sheet metal trays always have the same dimensions, goods to be conveyed on trays can have various sizes and properties. Even though there are weight restrictions of, for example 50kg in the technology for automatic miniload warehouses, a much higher material weight can be achieved by using steel trays.
Special load handling devices enable smooth warehouse operations. Storage and retrieval machines, lifting beam storage systems and shuttle systems use the one shuttle per level or multi-level principle. Since each tray can be individually loaded, a high degree of storage flexibility can accommodate product variety within given system dimensions. The machines can be adapted to handle various tray dimensions to meet your specific needs. The storage is usually single-deep, making it suitable for fast, sequence-controlled retrieval. This advantage makes the system an ideal component to a state-of-the-art production logistics solution. If your products are lightweight, oversized plastic trays can also be used, e.g. for storing cable harnesses.
GEBHARDT realisiert vollautomatisierte Shuttlelösung
bei 11teamsports
Der Fußball-Ausstatter und Sportartikel-Händler 11teamsports hat am neuen Hauptsitz in Satteldorf zusammen mit GEBHARDT Fördertechnik aus Sinsheim die Logistik komplett neu organisiert. Mit der Installation eines Hochleistungsshuttlelagers und der Umsetzung des „Ware-zur-Person“-Prinzips sieht sich das Unternehmen für die wachsenden Herausforderungen des Omnichannel-Geschäfts gerüstet.
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