Shuttle Storage Systems

Improve throughput with a high-density, automated storage solution

Our range of storage shuttles can store and retrieve units from racking to improve lead times. These automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS) offer higher throughput and accuracy compared to VNA systems. These systems are also a huge upgrade from manual collection by eliminating unnecessary travel, labour reliance, and human error.

ASRS shuttle solutions consist of tote or pallet shuttles that are paired with high-density racking. They are suitable for manufacturing warehouses, distribution centres and fulfilment centres.

As we offer bespoke design, we can tailor our systems to any facility shape or size. Our team also prioritises storage density so businesses can upgrade without needing further site expansion.

Our shuttles can respond to incoming order requests using warehouse control software (WCS) and plan its route accordingly. To optimise its journey, our shuttle systems will evaluate a variety of factors: potential obstructions, energy efficiency, unit load, despatch deadlines, and more. Our solutions can also account for industry-specific requirements such as storing fast-moving, temperature-sensitive and perishable goods.

Shuttle systems can also help combat peak seasons by buffering units. By creating a temporary storage area, businesses can prepare orders ahead of time. This helps synchronise process timing and ensures quick delivery.

  • High throughput rates
  • High energy efficiency
  • Lightweight yet robust design
  • Flexible and scalable system

Our Shuttle System Range

Small Load Unit Shuttles

Suitable for totes, cartons, trays and other smaller units.

shuttle system mls

StoreBiter® MLS


shuttle system ols

StoreBiter® OLS


Large Load Unit Shuttles

Suitable for pallets, wire crates and other larger units.

shuttle system ops

StoreBiter® OPS


shuttle system omnipallet

GEBHARDT Omnipallet


shuttle system omnipallet

StoreBiter® HDS

Hive and Drone Shuttle

Examples of Shuttle System Technology

shuttle system storebiter ols


StoreBiter® OLS-Shuttle

shuttle system storebiter mls


StoreBiter® MLS-Shuttle

shuttle system omnipallet gebhardt

Halle 9

GEBHARDT Omnipallet


StoreBiter® OPS-Shuttlle


Contact Us!

To enquire about our solutions or get support, call or send us a message.