GEBHARDT Roller Trolley Transport

The GEBHARDT roller trolley transport is an optimised material flow technology, in particular in the food industry. Both single and multiple roller containers, which are based on a dual-strand flat belt conveyor, can be transported at once. Several channels can be accessed with a built-in shifting unit. In addition, the individual roller trolleys can be raised to higher floors using a vertical conveyor. The handling system can be used for a combined transport of roller containers and pallets. There are no limits to the various possibilities.

Using Components of the GEBHARDT Roller Trolley Transport

  • Pick-up and delivery stations
  • Chain conveyors
  • Shifting units - shuttle carriages
  • Lifting systems
  • Roller trolley holding areas/buffer sections
  • Control stations
  • Turntable

Your Advantages of the Roller Trolley Transport


A transport of up to 200 roll containers per hour can be ensured using turntables and continued lines.

Special Features
  • Storage and retrieval through a lock with chain conveyors and transverse carriages
  • Horizontal and vertical transport between packaging and outgoing goods - without interruption
  • Transporting a roller container to another floor using a vertical conveyor
  • 2-strand for transporting the roller containers
  • Transporting several roller containers